Thursday, April 28, 2011

Singapore Election Fever

Singapore election is on 7 May. Expected but still surprised to see that there is a very strong opposition team this time.

I don’t think the opposition team is ready to lead the country. However, it is always good to have some (20-30%) opposition in the parliament and monitor the currently government. It is to balance the power between the current government and the opposition party as well.
Try not to end up a very extreme situation like ZERO % opposition in parliament which is I will never agree it is a good situation and healthy.

Glad to see that Singapore election is getting more mature and have more freedom after 40 over years. The movement is not fast but slow is always better than never moved at all.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What U Have = The Burden U Have As Well

I read this in newspapers. Can’t agree more with it.

Life is when you ask for more, to be prepared for more burdens, more problems, more stress, more frustration and more unhappiness that you are going to get as well.

It is what people say: When you are getting something, you are losing sometime as well.

For reverse physiologic: When you are losing something, you are getting something as well.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Bird That Sold $250K

How much a bird can cost? $100 or $1000? Somebody is willing to pay $250K for a drawing fat and urgly bird. Do you think it worth for the price? It is all depend on yourself. For me, if i have that money, i will consider to buy it and keep for investment.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Am Famous Again (???)

After the calendar, key chain & customer pad, company use my photo for the CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS - FCI Presentation. Some of my colleageus in teh offce asked me the same question again: “You again? Tell me how much you pay to the corporate communication team for them to use your photo?” Some said "Alfie, you are famous again." They told me next time if anyone presents the attached document to customer or supply, they are “FORCE” to see my face. Poor customers and supplies. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

I AM An Army

This photo became a HOT topic for discuss recently. A National Service army asked the maid to carry the bag for him when he was on the way (or backed home) to the army camp. The discussion now is if the army boy was doing something wrong or it is OK to ask the maid to carry the bag. Is Singapore kids are being too well take care of? If let the kids to carry on with well take care life, when there is need for them to protect the nation, can they do that? OR send the maids to replace them?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

清明节 2011

Every year after Chinese New Year, the following major Chinese festival 清明节. For many people, they may not really follow the Chinese New Year tradition like visit relative or go temple and pray but for sure they will follow the traditional way to celebrate 清明节. The reason is because they are respect (or the true is scare) of the “people from other world.

This year the special thing is my father asked if he could go with us to 埽墓. For sure, I am happily agreed. It is the 1st time he asked for 埽墓 after he was sick in 2003. Not sure since which year, firecrackers because one of the must thing to celebrate 清明节. People jokes about the new traditional way to celebrate 清明节. They say it is other world new year.