Thursday, July 31, 2008

Travel Phobia


Aware that I have a short term phobia for traveling. When users requested to have training in Hong Kong, after I replied with a lot of this and that (can considered those are nonsense), my finial answer is a NO.

I was surprised with my immediate reject. For sure, I rejected the request is nothing to do with Hong Kong even thought it is not the city I like but it is nice for shopping and hanging around. Somehow I can meet up with my university classmates.

From now till December, I still have 5 pending trips to go + 2 unconfirmed trips. It is a bit too many. Anyway, I still enjoy wake up in a strange city where nobody knows me. Away from Singapore/Malaysia, office and people I know.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye HP

After 5 years, YK decided to leave HP. In our HP gang, he is the 8th person who left HP. It is not because HP is not good but just because we wanted to try something new. HP, we agree, the best work place in Singapore. (We will be back 1 day).

YK’s farewell dinner in CHANG - Korean BBQ

Some of the orders we had.

After dinner, we went to Emily Hill for drink.
Pina Colada Twist (Pink and white, matched my dresses).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Balloon

In a beach party, release a balloon and made a wish, this time wasn’t for world peace but for myself. A friend wished my wish came true when released her balloon. Must thanks her even thought this wish will never came true. When think back, what I wished is a bit silly.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

向左走 向右走

Things below happened since months ago:
- went to same theater for same show but didn’t see each other. Didn’t meet.
- went to same place, 1 went into to left, at the same time, another walked out from anther left. 1 saw another when left closed. Didn’t meet
- took leave in a same afternoon, made appointment in a same place and at the same time but difference doctors. Didn’t meet.
- in the restaurant, 1 sat inside and another 1 sat outside. Didn’t meet.
- …….
- …….
- …….

So drama.

Friday, July 25, 2008


"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won’t anymore, and who always will. So don’t worry about people from your past. There’s a reason why they didn’t make it to your future."


Sometime, we are willing to wait for something/someone, no matter how long. Sometime, we are not willing to wait to for something/someone, not even a second.

Sometime, something/someone is worth for us to wait for but we give it up. Sometime, something/someone is not worth for us to wait for but we try.

Most of the time, we don’t know what we are waiting for but we just wait.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to J

How are we usually celebrate a birthday? Standard procedure is:
A lot of drink
Making joke and laugh
Get drunk and go home

Simple but fun.

P.S Think I did promise myself that I am not going to the place any more but I d
id tonight. Actually I already “forgot” or force myself not to remember this promise. In fact, I still don’t enjoy going to the place but Singapore is so small, beside it, don’t have many other choices already.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My dream occupation

As I wrote in “About Me”, I don’t have big ambition, just want to be happy and healthy. For career, I also don’t have much expectation for it. Work or don’t work, actually it doesn’t matter for me. I only work for money but not for career. Agree with what my friend left in her MSN message: 錢不是問題,問題是我沒有錢 That’s why I still have to work because I don't have enough money to solve the problems which caused by money.

My dream occupation is same as 师妹: 作个有钱的无业游民.

Maybe some1 will say: 作无业游民? 真是沒出息. For me, 出息 or 沒出息 is not important. I just want to be happy and I am so sure that work and career are not able to make me happy.

Monday, July 21, 2008

中国四大名著 - 水浒传

水浒传这是唯一的一本我看了十几年也无法看完的书。 偿式了好几次都失败了。 对这本书了解的并不多。 除了大家所熟悉的林冲夜奔, 武松打虎和他与武大郎,番金莲,西门庆的四角关系。 还知道这本书让宋朝其中一位皇帝说如果这本书的作者施耐庵造反的话,将是一个大灾害。 因为他所写的战略,当时的宋朝,无人可比。


Sunday, July 20, 2008

中国四大名著 - 三国演义

三国演义是一本集合了中国千年智慧所写的书。书中所记的不止是军事策略,人事分配,心理战术,武功,谋略,天文,地理,权术,谋略, 数学,医学,还有所谓的忠,孝,仁,愛。礼, 仪, 廉, 耻。并且包含了所谓的厚黑之学 (成功的人要脸皮厚和心要黑)。如果把所有之智慧集中于一人之身,那么这个人就是所谓的天下无敌了。

读了几遍的三国演义之后,曾拿自己和书中人比较。我没有诸葛亮的才智,没有曹操的毒,没有刘备的脸皮厚,更加没有周瑜帅。但是想想,我应刻是比曹橾帅,比周瑜脸皮厚, 比诸葛亮毒。 和刘备比,我们的智慧应也不相上下吧。(呕…!厚脸皮和自大的毛病又发作了)。

念奴娇·赤壁怀古  苏 轼

Saturday, July 19, 2008

中国四大名著 - 西游记


记得小学三年纪时作文的题目是: 我的自愿. 因为看了西游记,当时写了我的志愿是当神仙。神通广大,可以飞天遁地。可以变出很多的钱和玩具。最重要的是不需要读书。现在我才发现,愿耒我爱作白日梦的性格,是让西游记给教坏的。

中国四大名著 - 红楼梦

红楼梦这本我最爱的书, 读了不少于十次. 电视剧也看事好几便, 还是百看与读不厌。这不单是双玉一釵之间的愛情故事,还有每个人物之间不同的性格与矛盾和故事中的生活细节,都非常的引人入胜。



Friday, July 18, 2008

Natong: 18 July 08 - Day 13




Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nantong: 17 July 08 - Day 12

在南通吃饭真的有点覚得是在喂猪. 一般上馆餐馆是不点菜, 只能点一桌是六百, 八百, 一千 or else。一桌八百就有 10 道冷菜, 15-17 道热菜, 两道甜品 and 一道水果. 再这样吃下去很快就变神猪了.

Nantong: 16 July 08 - Day 11


今天和我的’学生’聊起我有一位学生刚升职为经理。我就很自然的发挥我厚脸皮的精神说:那是因为老师好的关系。她只上我的课3个月就升职了。同桌所有的人都点头的说对了, 我真是桃李满天下 (算算我也有近个200学生了). 我也真敢吹牛的. 他们都是 Manager, Senior Manager or Controller.

饭后, 其中几个对我说从没见过一个 IT team 的人如此健谈,怪不得能作老师. Hmmm, is this 讥讽吗?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Natong: 13 July 08 - Day 8

Today took a 1 day “orientation” trip for Nantong. Glad to have this trip, it allowed me to know more about Nantong. Want to know about Nantong’s history, 2 people (father and son) must know: 张謇 (died at 70+) and 张孝若 (died at 30+, murdered).

Since Qing Dynasty, they developed Nantong (economy, education, museum, park, traffic..etc). It looks like same situation as in Singapore.

张謇 张孝若 The house They opened a bank. Issued cash note with 张孝若’s picture. (thinking of open a bank and issue cash which has my picture on it. Hmmm, sounds like I am dreaming again).

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Nantong: 12 July 08 - Day 7

The most famous garden in Suzhou which built in Ming Dynasty (1509 A.D). In 1997, it was inscribed on the World Heritage List.
I love the lotus in the garden. Guess who was this guy? He was 唐伯虎.
Know 寒山寺 from the poem below when I was in primary school.

枫桥夜泊 作者张继. 唐


This poem is very beautiful which made me wanted to visit 寒山寺 and 枫桥 so badly. I had a lot of fancy imaginations of 寒山寺 and 枫桥. However, after saw them today, I was a bit disappointed because 寒山寺 is not on a mountain and 枫桥 is too small and normal.

Friday, July 11, 2008




Wanted to buy some books but the book shop was closed. End up went to the toy shop next door and bought some toys. Maybe people will say: Wow lou, so old still play toys? So childish.

Childish? Maybe. I like toys not only because they are cute, it is also because I do enjoy talking and playing with them. I believe it is much easier to “communicate” with a toy, pet or plant than communicate with a human being. Sometime I really feel tired when talk to a human.

Definition for Kidadult (kid+adult)

Kidadults grow up with cartoon books, though they’re above twenty or thirty, they keep kids’ interests, they still love cartoon books, cartoon movies, excitive games and cute accessories such as little kitty, snoopy and other comic figures. They are unwilling to behave like adult and unwilling to take on responsibilities esp. family responsibilities. They have a strong appetite in searching new things and new feelings; sometimes they are as innocent as children.

Thursday, July 10, 2008



最近觉得自己和大便特别有缘. 开口闭口都是大便. 就连看见的都与大便有关. 不知是有幸还是不幸。


Nantong: 10 July 08 - Day 5

Fall sick on 3rd days trip in China. Lost voice because of sore throat & runny nose. It is quite painful when need to conduct training and keep talking whole day.

Fortunately I did insist and request to my previous boss that my Taiwan colleague must come and assign me for the training. However, she also falls sick on the 3rd day.

Now we take turn and conduct the training every 1.5 hours. It is very tired after keep talking for 8 hours per day. Gosh, still have 5 days leave.
The second class - Day 4 & 5 (10-11 July)
FCI plant in Nantong

Nantong: 9 July 08 - Day 4

Took a walk in Nantong city after dinner. Found that 濠河 is beautiful at night.

Took a walk by
濠河 A nice tea house Inside the tea house Food we had when enjoyed the tea

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Nantong: 8 July 08 - Day 3

In the past 3 day’s dinner, did try European food, Japanese food and Chinese food. Non of them is super good but acceptable.

Big and fresh oyster (Europe Food Festival in San Teh Hotel - Western Restaurant) The salmon is juicy (San Teh Hotel - Japanese Restaurant) Red wine stewed beef. Nice but too oily (Shanghai Restaurant) Fried crab with salty egg yolk (Shanghai Restaurant) Ordered a dessert. It served in a soup bowl which enough for at least 5 people. Fainted.
1st time see restaurant advised customer not to over order.

Nantong: 7 July 08 - Day 2

It gave me a shocked when woke up and saw so bright outside. 1st thought was I was overslept. However, when checked the time; it was only 4:50AM.

I Don’t Know You might not believe me but it is true. After joined the company for 14 months, I still don’t know what is the full name for FCI.

Please don’t give me the unbelievable look, I really don’t know. Maybe 师妹 was right, it is France-China-India.

The Fruits Season
Now is season for peach and grape in Nantong.