Tuesday, January 5, 2010

NO WAR, Please

The History:
In World War II, 1942, Japan directed its army to build a single line, one meter gauge, 250 mile long railway from Thailand to Bumar. The work was expected to complete within 14 months, by end of 1943.

More than 16,000 prisoners of war and 100,000 laborers from South Asia died building the railway.


War is cruel but it is continuing and I don’t see the sight of stopping. Human being enjoys killing the same specie, not like in animal kingdom, animals are only kill others for food and for surviving, human kill human is for fun, for achievement, for personal ambition and for making others suffer.

The most disgusting thing is not that you start a war; it is after you do it and you deny it. After more than 50 years, Japan is still denying it has been involved in World War II. The lecture books in school only mentions that “Japan cross through and stay in some countries in Asia but it wasn’t a war”. Also, they didn’t kill anyone in those countries. 300,000 people in Nanjing – China killed by Japanese Army is never existed.

Now, the world accepted Germany but not Japan. Reason is Germany dare to admitted its mistake. For Japan, it doesn’t admit its mistake. A loser is some1 who is not brave to admit mistake.

The railway that still in used.

1 comment:

moufat said...

Aiyoh so sad le looking at the pictures.. but very nicely taken..And I like the matching hats and glasses that you guys had also! Should have asked HC to wear also! hahaha