Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It Moves Too Fast.... :(

Everytime when close a new year, we notice that every second, every minute, every day and every year are flying like wind. We can not now see how it moves and where it goes but we know it is there, with us. It moves quietly without we noticed because we can not see it. When we notice, it already gone and never come back.

I am talking nonsense again.

A walk in Singapore China Town, Feb 2010 before Chinese New Year.


Anonymous said...

其实,时间并没有过的比以前快, 而只是我们对它的观念改变了。。。
童年的时刻, 总是觉得时间过得缓慢, 天真的想快速长大成人, 不必应付考试与父母的看待。
中年的时代,却觉得童年是那么自由自在的生活, 流连忘返。一想到成年衰老与无可奈何的将来, 突然盼望时间可以停下来, 让自己可以自我检讨, 才再次面对眼前的一切。
时间的过去让我们尝试到错过的感受, 让我们醒悟,免得再让未来的机会溜走。
一寸光阴, 虽然买不到一寸金,但我们会有所安慰, 因为现还有弥补旧错的机会。


Alfie said...

小宁, you are right. we are the one who changed. i really agree with you for: 时间的过去让我们尝试到错过的感受, 让我们醒悟,免得再让未来的机会溜走。