Thursday, July 31, 2008

Travel Phobia


Aware that I have a short term phobia for traveling. When users requested to have training in Hong Kong, after I replied with a lot of this and that (can considered those are nonsense), my finial answer is a NO.

I was surprised with my immediate reject. For sure, I rejected the request is nothing to do with Hong Kong even thought it is not the city I like but it is nice for shopping and hanging around. Somehow I can meet up with my university classmates.

From now till December, I still have 5 pending trips to go + 2 unconfirmed trips. It is a bit too many. Anyway, I still enjoy wake up in a strange city where nobody knows me. Away from Singapore/Malaysia, office and people I know.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the advertise....
the bags are selling fast...running out of stocks soon.

Alfie said...

u are welcome. glad to know the business is doing well. :)