Friday, October 30, 2009

My 1st Impression of Shanghai

Shanghai, is just another big city. Doesn’t impressing me as what Angko Wat has gave me. I am still prefer to go for places like Great Wall, Angko Wat, Egypt, mountain, sea and so on. For me, a city is just a city. Unless I want to dig out the stories in the city.
The OLD Shanghai City view.

Shanghai the rive side.
新天地 is a new hot pub & bar area in Shanghai. Majority people who go are tourist. Local usually don’t go there because too expensive. seriously, if you like clubing place, there is not place like Clarke Quay in Singapore. So big and have so many pub, bar, café & restaurant.

豫园, a typical Chinese garden residential place. 小桥流水人家, nice design and very beautiful.
EXPO 2010 Shanghai
EXPO 2010 海宝 The City.
My room in Shanghai.
Always, must take 到此,一游 photo.

1 comment:

PH said...

What's that EXPO 2010 海宝 blue thing?
= = How come the Chinese mascot always look so strange.