Saturday, October 25, 2008

Reading Problem

This is what I found from 师妹 blog. What I want to said is @$#%$^#E$#$%. Hahaha…



ah... 日语厕所,
oh my god, u need to speak Japanese to "communicate" with the toilet?!
为了留作“纪念”,在蹲着的姿势下(p.s. 只有蹲着才看得到这个signage),我拿出了相机拍下留念。

就差一个字,make so much difference....
今晚的师兄就被大家嘲笑他的forever typo-mistake style..
CORAL.... not CAROL...

I have a problem; sometime what I read is not what I see. What does it meant? Meant I have reading problem. If not wrong, the correct name is – Dyslexia.

For example, I want to write “us” but what I write is “user”. Regardless of how many times I read the word, I see it as “us” without “er” behind. Most of the time must wait until others point out for me then I notice. Otherwise, it is going to be a “us” without “er” for me.

This can be the reason why I easily get lost where there are 2 places with similar name. Classic examples are Bugis - Bishan and Clementi Admiralty. 1st set because they start with a B and 2nd set because they ended with “ty”. So, for me, they are the same when I read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shi xiong, 不要以为用一个很chim的字就可以轻描淡写带过你的“特色”。
说真的,我大概被你的病毒给传染了。我真的没有发现你的carol typo...也或者是对你的错别字immune,my brain will auto correct those wrong words ..