Monday, August 25, 2008


Today I sold about 80% of the shares I hold. In conclusion, this round I lost about SG$29K+. Sounds quite a lot. However, I feel nothing at all but relief.

I don’t feel surprise about my reaction. Reasons:

1. In share market, either you gain or you lost. This is the rule.
2. Sick and tired of people keep talking about share market. Don’t want this meaningless
topic to disturb me at all.
3. Money comes and goes. Why need to be upset when it goes?
4. Either with or without the money, life still goes on. Don’t think the money can make me happier.

When my friends read the statements above, sure some of them will be shocked because I always show people how urge I am about money. However, is that my true face? I am confused and I am not sure. This is how complicated I am.

Anyway, my close friends know that, if gold drops from the sky but with condition, sure I won’t pick it up. It happened many times.

佛祖释迦牟尼说人有八苦,分别是: 生、老、病、死、怨憎会、爱别离、五阴炽盛、求不. We are suffered because we can not let go. I always remind myself: 色不异空,空不异色,色即是空,空即是色


moufat said...

Wow all your shares?? Why the sudden drastic decision?

Alfie said...

will tell you after Thursday. Hmm... hope able to tell you on Thursday evening. :)

Anonymous said...

u sure u have $29k to lose??
OMG.. i wonder whether this is true...
never realise that u are sooooooooooo rich... ha..
if i know this fact before u sell it.. i might treat u better... but now u have $29k less .. who cares abt u?? wahaha...

Alfie said...

pls lar... SG$29K consider a lot???? my friend read my blog and she said it is not even enough to buy a peanut coz a peanut in Singapore costs SG$600K. :)