Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hong Kong Trip 2008 – Day 2

Went to 黄大仙 temple early in a morning with typhoon. Shopping in Hong Kong is much better than in Singapore. Don’t agree? Then you go to Central in HK, look at the size of the shops for luxury goods and you will agree. No wonder my friends and colleagues said people in HK are crazy about Agnes B. It is really everywhere. Fyi, a new shop is going to open in HK airport, Terminal 2.
(Agnes B in Festival Walk. Think is the largest in HK.)This afternoon I concluded the brands I like by sequence:
1. Calvin Klein (I like anything and everything)
2. Prada (I like 90% of the products)
3. SEED (I like the bag and clothes. It copies the design from everywhere. Well done.)
4. Agnes B (1st: accessories. 2nd: clothes)
5. Gucci and Armani (bag)
6. LV? Oh please, no no no no no…………..!!!

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