Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Concert

Ah Mei’s Concert
8th Nov I did attended Ah Mei’s concert. No doubt, it was an excellent concert with fantastic performance. Beside her powerful voice and singing, she really knew how to drive her audiences and allow them to be involved to the concert.

Most people like her fast songs but I prefer her slow songs. Some of her slow songs which really touched me that night. Even it is so embarrassing to mention but her slow songs did make me cried 3 times that night. Maybe I wasn’t cried, just being touched and the tears were dropping. That’s all. I think I shocked my friends when my “tears dropped” but need to thank them for passing me the tissues. Otherwise my clothes were wet.

The 3 songs that made me lost control are 真实 (The Truth), 天天想你 (Miss You Everyday) and 听海 (Listen to The Sea). Especially when she sang 天天想你, my tears were totally lost control. I didn’t manage to stop it even I tried very hard. In the end, I gave up trying and just let it be.

真实 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoDKmkH5eq8
張惠妹新加坡演唱會 Star 07 - 天天想你
聽 海http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooqDc0Ig174&feature=related

The Concert I Look Forward
I am looking forward to attend Faye Wang’s concert even though I know the chance might be only 1% out of 100%. Reason is she doesn’t want to sing any more if she can. The concert on 2004 was the last one she had and I missed it. Not able to attend her concert is going to be one of the regrets in my life.

Have been in loved with her songs since I was in high school. After so many years, she is still the one and the only one I like. I like her not simply because of her wonderful singing but also because her personality and character. She knows what she wants and she dare to strive for what she wants. She never lived to reach the expectation of others and she lives for her own expectation. She doesn’t care about the comment or gossip from others. She just wants to be herself, be Faye Wang but no one else.

Remember she said when she doesn’t want to sing any more and she hopes no one is going to remember her. I am not sure how I am going
to forget her since I listen to her songs every day and night.

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