Oh, yes. I have a similar pink scarf. "Someone", you have good memory.
A friend told me if there is no LOVE (she meant boy & girl relationship), then life might be happiest. I agree but also disagree with that. Agree is as I mentioned, LOVE is too complicated to handle and also cause a lot of pain. Disagree is if a true LOVE is too easy to have, do we still appreciate what the true LOVE is? Most likely NO. Just like happy and unhappy. If it is not because of 90% of our lives are unhappy, how can we understand and appreciate the joy of being happy?
Noticed that recently many people caught up with a virus call “LOVE SICK” and this virus is very strong. I do try what I can do to courage them but the result is insignificant because those “skills” I have actually only theoretically sounds great but practically doesn’t work at all. Reason is because it is always easier said than done.
After studied this “virus”, I have a conclusion for the cause of this virus:
Right person + Right person + Wrong timing = Mistake
Right person + Wrong person + Wrong timing = Mistake
Wrong person + Wrong person + Wrong timing = Mistake
Is there a situation that Right person + Right person + Right timing = Prefect Match? Yes, of cause but it might only happen once in a century.
Friends, nothing much I can help you but I am willing to lend my listening ears anytime when you need them. What I can do now is wish you all the best and good luck. Take care.
Btw, I copied the poem below from a friend’s blog. It is so sweet and sounds too good to be true. Anyway, it is nice to share it in Valentine’s Day.
You cook, I clean.
I fall, you hold me up.
You cry, I dry your tears.
I fall to sleep, you put the blanket on me.
You hang out with your friends,
I hang out with mine and we cuddle at night.
I am watching the sunset on the beach on the Bora Bora Islands, you are holding me and put your head on my shoulder.
We spot each other's bench press.
We scrub each other's back in shower.
We laugh on each other's silliness and not afraid to be stupid in front of each other.
We both just sit down, say nothing but we know what we are thinking.
Everything is about us not you or me.
And we grow old together and be two happy old men
P/s. How to know whether you have caught up with the LOVE SICK virus? If now you feel the same way as the song below, then you are.
我睁开眼睛 却感觉不到天亮
东西吃一半 莫名其妙哭一场
我忍住不想 时间变得更漫长
也与你有关 否则又开始胡思乱想
我日月无光 忙得不知所以然
找朋友交谈 其实全帮不上忙
以为会习惯 有你在才是习惯
你曾住在我心上 现在空了一个地方
原来爱情这么伤 比想像中还难
泪水总是不听话 幸福躲起来不声不响
太多道理太牵强 道理全是一样
说的时候很简单 爱上后却阵脚大乱
只想变得坚强 强到能够去忘
无所谓悲伤 只要学会抵抗
原来爱情这么伤 原来爱情是这样
这样峰回路转 泪水明明流不干
瞎了眼还要再爱一趟 有一天终于打完
思念的一场战 回过头再看一看
原来爱情那么伤 下次还会不会这样
P/s 2. I love this sentence in the song 遇见: 我遇见你是最美丽的意外. I appreacite this 最美丽的意外 regardless of the ending is going to be good or bad.
Shi Mei,
As i told you, i removed your comment. Thing is getting very messy now. Don't wish to have moer problem to handle. My English is not good. Really don't know what is the difference between that.
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